WHY DO THE NATIONS RAGE? The Christian's Responsibility in the Political Arena By David Ben-Ariel How well do you really know your Bible? Why was Jesus crucified? Because His Gospel was highly politicized! It had EVERYTHING to do with GOVERNMENT. God's people would do well to note that fact. His enemies accused Him of sedition. They distorted His Message to make it appear He was out to overthrow the government! (John 19:12). They led the rulers to believe He was a dangerous individual, a real threat to public order and national security (John 11:48). Jesus had to be stopped! Both the political and religious authorities turned on Christ. Why was Stephen murdered? Should he have just kept his opinions to himself? He BLASTED THE RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENT for their hypocrisy. Although he spoke the plain truth, they confused the issue by taking his words out of context. He undoubtedly did tell them Jerusalem as going to fall and the Temple was about to be destroyed - just like Jesus prophesied - if they didn't quickly change course (Acts 6:8-15). He was arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin (their religious court). They angrily condemned him to die for being so blunt (Acts 7). I read the Book of Acts, making it much more meaningful and relevant, during my prison stay in Jerusalem. It you examine the evidence surrounding Paul's frequent arrests and imprisonments, you'll see a pattern of trumped up charges, misunderstandings, and misguided zeal. It's a miracle Paul didn't say enough is enough and quit. But God used him to provide for us a very human example (I Timothy 1:16). Many in jail proclaim their innocence, but God knows I was an innocent political prisoner! The leftist government in Israel is out to crush their opposition. As a Christian member of the Temple Mount Faithful, I represent all that the secular hate. I've been involved in televised demonstrations to remind the government of its Biblical responsibilities. Whether they listen or not is between them and God. Living by Faith The Israeli settlers whom Mr. Flurry condemns are putting their lives on the line! By living in Eretz Israel (the Land of Israel) they are exercising their faith in God's Word that promises the Holy Land to Israel, not Ishmael. How cowardly for Mr. Flurry to throw rocks at their faith when he sits safe in his comfortable office in democratic America. God help him to wake up to this aspect of the Bible of which too many remain ignorant. God's people won't suffer the prophesied PERSECUTION (not that we're seeking it) until we take a PUBLIC STAND on religious matters that have political ramifications, just like Jesus and the apostles and the prophets! It's an artificial separation between politics and religion. God's ONE government has two branches: Church and State (Malachi 4:4-5). Spiritual issues are fought in the political arena of men's minds (II Corinthians 10:4). Whether we recognize it or not, our Israelitish nations are engaged in a cultural war. Unless we join the struggle, promoting the Biblical platform that pierces through the mental fog, how can we expect to be in any position to help influence our nation's direction (Romans 10:14)? God's Church has a superficial understanding when we fail to put God's truth into practice and take political action (James 2:14-17). I was arrested for a righteous reason. I'm closely associated with those who call for a return to Biblical values. We uphold God's Law as our true constitution. We plead with Judah (and Joseph) to obey God and not men; to put their trust inHim and not fear the UN; to restore the Temple Mount as the TEMPLE Mount! If the Jews fail to listen to God's call for repentance, if they ignore this opportunity for restoration, they'll self-destruct, falling apart at the seams. Israel faces the growing threat of civil war and European intervention! Warning the Jews My enemies (if you don't have any, God is your enemy), knowing I've written that the mosques must go - the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aksa mosques - have falsely accused me of being in a plot to destroy those beautiful abominations! It's the serpent up to his old tricks, telling half-truths and mixing it with outrageous lies. I did tell Israel's Secret Service that I was thankful for the opportunity to clear the air and answer any questions. I didn't want to incriminate myself in any way - and the did try and entrap me - but I also didn't want to deny Christ the opportunity to testify before them (Mark 12:13). All the while during my six and a half hours of interrogation, I prayed only to speak what God would have me to say; nothing more or less (Luke 20:12-19). I did clearly warn them that the "peace" process is a trap; that it's about to blow up in their faces, and that a German-led Europe is going to wage a NEW CRUSADE to enforce the Vatican's version of peace. Catholic Europe will backstab and betray both Arab and Jew. They'll push for Jerusalem to become an "international city" (Zechariah 14:2). I maintained that the only explosives I'm involved with is the BOMBSHELL I've written, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. I continually referred them to it, stating that's where my beliefs are on record. (Later I gave them a computer disc with my book on it to assist in their investigation). I told them I know Israel won't take God's warning seriously, any more than those Jews who spurned Jabotinksy's efforts to save them from Hitler. Nevertheless, God will intervene and save us after our worst time of suffering, and every survivor in Jerusalem will be holy. That whole ordeal brought my name, and the fact that I've written a book, and that I'm a [Sabbath-keeping] Christian member of the Temple Mount Faithful, to Israel's attention (Philippians 1:12- 14). It also increases my standing in the Jewish community, who now know I'm willing to suffer to help try to save Judah from itself, and that I'm not bitter, but still expect to obtain Israeli citizenship! I've proven I'm not a fair-weather friend. I plan on standing by Judah's side, even when they fall because they refused to take the necessary actions to insure "Never Again" (Isaiah 49:5; I Samuel 12:23). The Perilous Truth An unjust deportation order was served against me, but I was even able to use that to warn that the Germans are going to deport them! What servant of God hasn't been rejected? Wasn't Amos told to go back where he came from; that they didn't want to hear it anymore? (Amos 7:10-17). He was also accused of being involved in a conspiracy against the State. He sounded like a fanatic, just another religious nut (to those unfamiliar with God's voice), saying the President was going to get killed and the people deported! The prophet Jeremiah wasn't too popular when he got the people all riled up. They took him to court and said he deserved THE DEATH PENALTY! Why? He told them God's Temple would soon be history and Jerusalem a ghost town! He was acquitted at the time, but later thrown in jail as a TRAITOR (Jeremiah 26). After some time he was released, but when he kept up with his "doomsday message," and wouldn't shut up, certain innocent actions were misconstrued to arrest Jeremiah again! This time the politicians had enough and ruffed him up before they threw him into the dungeon (Jeremiah 37:12-16). Not content to let him rot in jail, the prosecution wanted to see Jeremiah SENTENCED TO DEATH FOR HIS DEMORALIZING EFFECT UPON THE PEOPLE! His political rivals were out for blood! (Jeremiah 38:4). They were full of hate and anger and lies, saying Jeremiah didn't have the peoples' best interests at heart, but was rather damaging to the State, undermining national security. Can you relate to Jeremiah? How close do you feel to these spiritual kin? Were they supermen or just ordinary, every day people whom God made extraordinary? (Acts 3:12). I know that humanly they were as weak as we are, and made of the same flesh and blood (II Corinithians 4:7; James 5:17). THEY WERE ONLY HUMAN - but they had what it takes and so do we: God's Holy Spirit! God isn't a liar. I can testify to His truth. During my interrogation by Israel's Secret Service, I was completely confident that God was in control; that nothing could happen without His express permission! I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that I stood before God the Father and Jesus Christ. I felt confident that as I stood up for God's Truth, Christ would stand up for me just as surely as He did for our brother, Stephen. Knowing their very breath of life was in God's hands, their attempts to intimidate me actually amused me (John 19:11). If God declares all nations put together are still less than some dust on the scales, who were these little men except something in their big imaginations? (Isaiah 40:15). Time's Running Out! Why do the nations rage? Because they vent Satan's wrath! THE DRAGON'S ABOUT TO UNLEASH HIS FULL FURY! When he breathes his fire, it'll reveal what we're all about (I Corinthians 3:13). God is going to use Satan's persecution to further His own goal: the creation of holy, righteous character. The Good News is that we ARE becoming more refined, getting the finishing touch just before Jesus shows up on time (Daniel 11:35; 12:10). The Bride WILL be ready (Revelation 19:7). Satan - in a jealous rage - is out to wreck our marriage. He wants to destroy our personal relationship with Christ. He hates the Royal Family of God! The devil knows his days are numbered and that we're instrumental in his overthrow. That's why he's targeted us. His ministers of church and state will mark us for destruction, but God will rescue His Damsel in distress and carry us off to safety (Revelation 12). God's Church must come out of the closet! And I'm confident it will. God's people are going to be well known. Our timely message of warning and hope will be heard everywhere. I'm sure God's scattered saints, empowered by His Spirit, will repent of our family feud and face the nations. We'll bring BEYOND BABYLON: Europe's Rise and Fall to light, since it boldly proclaims GOD'S FINAL WARNING like no other. It'll become a household word (Ezekiel 33:30). As a direct result of this controversial work, some of our brethren are going to get arrested, others will get beaten up, and a few will even lose their lives - BEFORE it gets so bad that God must get us out (Exodus 5:23; Luke 21:20). The nations only hasten God's judgment upon themselves, digging their own graves, when they persecute us. Why should they be so hateful? We're only delivering God's message of mercy that enables them to save themselves. We're only offering them good news! We're trying to protect them from an international disaster! But like Jesus and the Two Witnesses, ours is a thankless task! But should we quit and say to hell with them? No. We must continue to offer a way out even if they choose to stay trapped inside their sins. Everybody will be without an excuse. It's better to be safe than sorry. Maybe a few more will manage to escape in time (Amos 3:12; Isaiah 49:24). Jeremiah didn't stop working until Jerusalem fell, and even then he kept on, but shifted his emphasis to Israel's restoration! Bold as Lions Last year, on the Last Great Day, I was ARRESTED ON THE TEMPLE MOUNT. Why? For reading my Bible! (The Jerusalem Post reported my arrest, as well as publishing a letter from me about the experience). That puts me in with some pretty good company though, because all the apostles were arrested there too! Their only "crime" was teaching God's truth! (Acts 5:17-29). The religious authorities hounded them for calling a spade a spade, indicting them for Jesus' murder. Instead of just going away and shutting up, case closed, they publicly kept Christ's "wounds" open. But what did they do to have such nerve? Earlier, on another occasion, Peter and John were the first to get arrested on the Temple Mount (Acts 4). They explained their situation to the brethren, who immediately took it to God in heartfelt prayer. They appealed to the Supreme Court of Heaven to take note of their threatening environment. They made an URGENT APPEAL for spiritual reinforcements! They confronted their problems head on and specifically asked God to back up His Message with Miracles - which He gladly did. God gave them courage to proclaim their convictions. Instead of getting beaten into silence, they became all the more bold! (Proverbs 28:1). They didn't shirk their responsibilities, or go run and hide. Even Paul agreed that nothing but trouble waited for him, but he was still determined to go ahead with his travel plans (Acts 20:23). Are you ready to take a public stand for God's truth? Are you ready to pray for each other, as if your lives depended on it? Because they do! I'm anxious to return to Jerusalem, where I'm known by the authorities, to continue to demonstrate my love for Zion with the Temple Mount Faithful - even if it means my death or imprisonment (Acts 21:13). I've had friends express concern that I could get killed for speaking out. But I refuse to be deterred from the Work God has called me to do by personal sins or weaknesses, angry Jews or irate Arabs, incensed "Christians" or petty politicians! How about you? Won't you do what you can to help promote God's truth contained within BEYOND BABYLON? It must get published in Israel. This Work requires an "inside job" (Joel 2:1-15). What has happened to me, as a representative of God's Church in the Middle East, presents a CHALLENGE and an OPPORTUNITY for the brethren. Those privileged few who take part in God's Work of physical preparation for Christ's Coming are spiritually being prepared for Jesus' Return. Show your support for Jerusalem. God has a special message for the Jews (Isaiah 40:9). Let's make sure it gets delivered! (Published in a 1996, special edition of The National Messenger. It is provided as a public service and carries no subscription price. It is supported entirely through the voluntary contributions of those who wish to take a more active role in proclaiming God's end-time Warning Message to the modern descendants of Jacob (Jeremiah 30:7; Ezekiel 33:7), including the American, British and Jewish brother nations. Editorial correspondence: The National Messenger, 751 Valley Circle Drive #105, Saline, Michigan 48176).